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Prosperity & Economic Data Team

The core work of the Prosperity & Economic Data team is centred around two key products for UKDSC, the JEDHub and the Intelligence Interactive Dashboard (i2D).

The JEDHub project is a joint venture with MOD and UKDSC, with the support of the Delivery Working Group consisting of representatives from across the government and industry.

Working closely with stakeholders across government, industry and academia the JEDHub will continue to grow its understanding of the defence sector’s contribution to the UK economy through an annual survey of the sector, the JEDHub Annual Economic Report, open-source data and other economic products.

Our i2D product identifies emerging high growth companies from various sectors and technologies, showing investment, patent, academic, risks and company data for dual use purpose. Both products feed into our overall objective to support the DGP to drive export led growth.

The JEDHub report produced by [UK]DSC has proved to be an impactful and annually improving document. [UK]DSC as a whole is an exemplar of MOD and industry working better when they work together."

Trevor Taylor, Director of the Defence, Industries and Society Programme, RUSI

Other areas of expertise

Improving Market Insight Through Actionable Intelligence.

Providing market intelligence that leverages a combination of open source, proprietary data sources.

Strengthening Exports and International Collaboration.

Supporting the DSIS exportability agenda to create a more intelligent eco-system, drive growth through exports and increase international cooperation.

Aligning UK Capability through Innovation & Investment.

Developing UK capability and enabling international collaboration with strategic partners.

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